Expert Furniture
Finishing and Repair “Fine Touch Services” has expanded to your home. Expert Furniture strives to beautify color coordinate furniture, moldings, banisters, doors and decorative elements for your home.
Our team are professional and know how to customize so the natural beauty of your home is enhanced. It’s time to feel better about your home when scratches, and dents, are eliminated. Even the European hinges and tracks can be replaced when needed.
You can also enjoy long lasting value our maintenance insurance.
1. Staining steps and bannisters
2. Interior and Exterior Doors
3. French polishing and refinishing
- a. French polishing is a wood finishing technique that results in a very high gloss surface, with a deep colour and *chatoyancy. French polishing consists of applying many thin coats of shellac dissolved in denatured alcohol using a rubbing pad lubricated with one of a variety of oils. The rubbing pad is made of absorbent cotton or wool cloth wadding inside of a piece of fabric and is commonly referred to as a fad, also called a rubber, tampon, or muñeca. French polish is a process, not a material.
- b. The process is lengthy and very repetitive. There are also many similar variations in schedule and technique. What is described here is one such schedule. The finish is obtained through a specific combination of different rubbing motions, waiting for considerable time, building up layers of polish and then spiriting off any streaks left in the surface. The fad is first used to place a thinned coat of shellac. Once fully dry, thicker coats follow with small amounts of superfine pumice, a crushed
4. Touch ups, maintenance & restoration services
Special Request Services
- Restoring, and Refinishing
- Bookcases
- French Polish
- Gold Leafing & Marbleizing
- Archways & Paneling
- Shul Furnishings
- Exterior Doors
- Staining & Finishing